My least favorite indicator is seeing AQI.WTF traffic spike, meaning wildfire smoke is again impacting folks

My least favorite indicator is seeing AQI.WTF traffic spike, meaning wildfire smoke is again impacting folks
Super rad short documentary by Thrasher about the pedestrian bridge at Portsmouth Square that is planned to get torn down
Pondering the lamp
We still posting our Spotify Wrapped?!
The EPA published a new adjustment for Purple Air sensors in places where the air is dominated by woodfire smoke. AQI.WTF has been updated to use it!
Finally go to try one of those new Lyft Ebikes out! Turns out there’s a “radness” sensor that disables all the boost and even feels like it slaps on some regenerative braking if you shred too much gnar. I tripped it twice in my test ride 😂
It was an absolutely wonderful time helping with VaccinateCA & Vaccinate The States, and it’s an honor to help shut off the lights.…
Had the finest F9 viewing experience after so long not in a movie theater. Had the nice butt shaking seats and then a smol earthquake ~15 minutes in during the first epic chase scene 😂
Stoked to post a screenshot of the same dashboard and say nice
Really cool to see KQED use the embed in their new article about the expanded eligibility of Pfizer to those aged 12-15!…
Neat to see ShakeAlert work so well today! Also good to learn that I had alerts for all 6.0 earthquakes setup, and not just the ones near by 😂
being vaccinated does NOT mean you can get together with your “familia” and perform incredible international heists and save the planet in super cool cars all while you live your life a quarter mile at a time
Krispy Kreme offering donuts after vax? And now Uno Dos Tacos offering free chips and salsa and Super Duper offering free fries with vax? Who cares about the quarantine fifteen, I’m ready for my Pfizer fifteen/Moderna middle!
Took a big break from baking, but then I slapped together a sourdough pan pizza dough that came out great. Real happy I’ve gone from “Baking is scary” to “lmao lets just yolo a sourdough pizza dough”
Very nice sky gradients this weekend 🏙️
Oh hey, it’s been a year of March I guess. What a wild year it has been.
› march
Sun Mar 365 21:21:36 PST 2021
I’m glad Amazon has decided to make it easier to stop using them. Ever since launching their own “Prime Delivery Service”, I’ll happily pay more to order the same thing from some other merchant that doesn’t use it because it is so bad.
Nice views from Twin Peaks last night! 🌇
Been working on for a week now. I’ve seen a report of someone saying the JS I wrote helped their neighbor get a COVID-19 jab. I guess I’m a JabScript developer now?