Camping at Hope Valley would’ve been nice. However, due to incoming rain and lack of campsites, over Carson Pass we go!

Camping at Hope Valley would’ve been nice. However, due to incoming rain and lack of campsites, over Carson Pass we go!
Trails near Tahoe are awesome!
No campsites left last night. So we got a Yurt.
Back on the road again! Keeping the rad lunch view trend going.
A bit warm, but it sure is beautiful out here. This flat stretch is so fun after all the climbing earlier today.
Finally made it out to Tahoe!
Real creative naming out here.
Rad lunch views again. This small fast food and frostee shack is an official ACA Sierra Cascades stop. Listed on the map and they sport a sticker. Right along the route, so delicious and so convenient.
Sup Middle Fork of Feather River? The first time I ever came up to the Sierras was for Grinduro and the nostalgia right now is real. Can’t wait to be back later this year.
I was pretty annoyed this morning when I got up at 4am to make the bus that didn’t show. But the prettiness of Lake Almanor and finding lots of little gravel roads along it and the Chester Flood Control Channel made today alright 👌🏼
Turns out Plumas Transit doesn’t run on Sunday’s so I woke up stupidly early and all I got was this awful sunrise over Lake Almanor.
👋🏼 See ya Mt Lassen. You’ll always be pretty pretty mountain mountain to me.
There’s something neat about melting in the heat while looking at a snow capped peak. I made this rhyme with too much alone time.
The road through Lassen is closed 🙁 But the sign is still here!
Cattle Camp swimming hole is a nice reward after melting in the sun all day
Glad the trend of these signs meaning lots of snow has stopped. For now.
Rad views of Mt Shasta all day long since heading out of Yreka 👌🏼
While a stroll down Memory Lane sounds fun, I’m too busy rolling down Easy Street.
I too would be a happy California cow if I got to graze in this whole beautiful field
Thanks for having me Oregon ✌🏼️
As discussed with some Ashland locals last night at Caldera Brewing: Oregon Sucks, Don’t Come.
Mt McLoughlin overlooking Willow Lake. Pretty epic view for my dinner of dehydrated sausage pasta and beef jerky.
So much water this year, the Rogue River is flowing over Natural Bridge (well some of it). Of course natural bridge is formed by a lava tube under it, because lava tubes are the coolest.
The trail by my camp site at Union Creek was like something out of a movie. 🍃
Lava tubes are awesome. Rogue Gorge was caused by a collapsed lava tube.