The Catreation of Adam. 🐈

The Catreation of Adam. 🐈
I have never been happier to get to the east peak of Tam.
Giro got into my bag so I put it on. 🐈
Bobsleigh selfie
I think I got to the top
I’m used to looking down while climbing, but looking up is a nice change.
Figured I needed a nice picture of my bike in case of theft.
Hidden trails on One Mile Lake
Who needs filters with natural gradients like this?
“Ok I will get off the roof but lemme take a selfie real quick”
Mountain top selfies
Not a terrible thing to wake up to.
Airport Selfies
Busting out the commuter for some picnics
Dat crane selfie.
Brought home this little chupchik today
Awful views while going up.
Morgan Territory. A sandwich in two parts
Thanks for littering
Thinking of Jon “Two Tone” Woodroof everytime I look at the SF Cycling Club jersey
For Yossef
Watching the FIRST World championship. These robots are awesome.